Top 10 psychological fact about ''GIRLS''

1. Girls Are Born With a Superior Sense of Intuition 

According to science, girls are born with intuition, which is thought to have developed as a result of evolution. Women must be able to identify and anticipate their children's needs. Additionally, they must be able to understand how others are feeling and thinking.

2. Girls Don’t Get Sick as Often as Boys 

Girls are biologically more prepared to handle illness than boys are, thus they don't get sick as frequently as males do. The male immune system isn't as robust as the female immune system, claims a National Academy of Sciences study. According to the research, this is caused by men having more testosterone, which results in a compromised immune system.

3. Girls Understand Emotions From an Early Age

Numerous studies have revealed that girls are better at reading people's emotions from their facial expressions than boys, even as young as infancy. Girls are also quicker than guys at recognising faces.

4. Girls Need Their Dads

Dads are essential in the lives of girls. According to research, daughters who have strong bonds with their fathers are much more likely to achieve in life and in school. Additionally, 
they frequently experience happier psychological results, more stable love relationships, reduced rates of depression, higher levels of self-esteem, and the list goes on.

5. Girls Have a Great Sense of Taste

This might be said about a variety of things, but in this instance it refers to a girl's taste buds. Girls are more adept at discerning tastes than guys, according to research. Girls process flavours differently even though they have the same number of taste buds as men.

6. Girls Outperform Boys Academically

In academic areas across all school levels, girls perform better than boys. Girls are better at making long-term plans, setting academic goals, and putting up the work necessary to accomplish those goals, which explains why.

7. If a Girl Tells You Her Problems, It Means She Trusts You

It doesn't imply a teenage girl is whining when she confides in you about some of the unfavourable things going through her head; rather, it shows that she trusts you enough to do so.

8. Girl’s Hearts Beat Faster Than Boys

The hearts of women and girls beat more quickly than those of boys. Their hearts and lungs are smaller than a man's, which accounts for this. They must therefore pump more quickly in order to achieve more oxygen saturation.

9. Girls Talk More Than Boys

Girls are naturally good talkers. They talk a lot by nature. Girls typically know more words by the time they are 16 months old than boys do, despite the fact that young boys and girls both pronounce their first word at the same time, typically on their first birthday.

10. Girls Suffer From Depression More Than Boys

Boys and girls both report experiencing depression prior to adolescence. But by the age of 13, something unexpected happens. More girls than boys report having depression than vice versa.
There are several explanations that could explain this. It might be because girls develop more quickly than boys. Or perhaps it's because they are more likely to struggle with low self-esteem.

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