1. Make goals

Setting a goal signals to your mind that this is where your attention and effort should go. And when you do this, your mind will follow suit and assist you in bringing it about. It will be simpler to act and more difficult to succumb to inaction.

Setting a goal involves setting an intention. And nothing will do more to counteract laziness than a well-defined, ambitious aim. Why? Because setting goals can help you focus.

2. Exercise Can Help You Feel Less Lazy

Exercise is a keystone habit, meaning that once you adopt it, it will positively affect every aspect of your life.

People who exercise enjoy longer, healthier lives in addition to looking great. They are more trustworthy.

3. Locate Partners Who Are Willing to Be Accountable

Laziness spreads easily. You will become as indolent(LAZY) as the people you are surrounded by.

Find a person who can keep you accountable and is willing to do so. This could be a driven coworker, acquaintance, or relative.

Find someone who will always be there to give you that firm kick in the behind—someone who won't allow you miss a day under any circumstances.

4. Set an alarm for 10 minutes

Laziness spreads easily.when we set a alarm for 10 minutes then it helps to get motivates and less lazy. when a person involve in such activity this might be happen that  atleast he do something.

Timothy A. Pychl, a psychologist and authority on procrastination, provided Psychology Today essentially the same counsel in the meanwhile. In essence, you "make a deal with yourself" that, despite the fact that you dislike the activity, you will complete it in 10 minutes. It's less enticing to give up once you've already started.

5. List the issues you're putting off solving

According to Visarga, procrastination begins with avoiding thinking about the issues that lie ahead. "Stop and think about the issues, the specifics, put them on paper, make a list, a graph, whatever you wish to represent it, before you get your work energy up."

It might be easier to start solving the difficulties if you understand they aren't as huge as you thought they were or that you can divide them into smaller pieces.

6.Adapt your workplace atmosphere

When I want to be productive, I go to a library or some other public place since I find that I procrastinate a lot at home. If I may choose, I like to work in public areas where others are present since it inspires me to do the same.

7. Reward yourself

If you want to do a big task it is advisable that first reward yourself for your success- you have to celebrate it .It gives you a positive energy and vibes from your environment that set a new task and complete it.  

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